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Difference Marketing

NehemiahIcons 06 DocDiffNehemiah Communications is providing these free resources in an effort to share some of the solutions we have developed and successes our clients have enjoyed. Please download and use these papers and then contact us to discuss your organization's needs.  Difference Marketing white papers provide a thumbnail summary of many of our innovative solutions.

What Most Marketers Don’t Tell You

NehemiahIcons 06 DocDiffI have watched with interest how most marketers promise too much or too little to their clients. Marketers generally only control one of three important aspects needed to grow any nonprofit or business. Let me explain. What a marketer should be held accountable for is getting the phone to ring, getting increasing numbers of people to know about your business, and then helping you identify a brand that communicates what your business is. Marketing by itself cannot promise longterm growth. Marketers who promise this are literally guaranteeing too much. Likewise a marketer who doesn’t take any responsibility in helping you grow your business is promising too little.


How to Make Yourself Different

NehemiahIcons 06 DocDiffIf you understand the need to be different in your marketing, the critical question becomes: “How can I be different?” Many nonprofits and businesses have competing or similar organizations in their area. On the surface, it seems like most organizations of similar purpose are for the most part identical. Churches seem the same. Builders, car repair shops, dry cleaners, charity thrift stores all seem generally the same. One of the biggest struggles that business and nonprofit owners have is identifying how they can be different from their competitors.


What is Branding

NehemiahIcons 06 DocDiffLet’s start with what branding is not. Branding, or at least good branding, is not just artwork, logos, slogans or taglines. It is about a promise. Every great brand makes a promise. Most people volunteer for organizations or buy from businesses based on promises. Get the full story in our white paper.


The New Demographic

NehemiahIcons 05 DocResourcesAs much as possible, Nehemiah Communications encourages organizations to consider “the new demographic.” Traditionally most marketing has been geared around targeting people based on their age, race, gender, industry, and professional or economic standing. While these are still important, there is a new demographic that overrides the other considerations. To understand the new demographic, answer the following two questions.


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